E. E
Clarify Question
· What is the key concept addressed by the question?
o This question addresses cladistics.
· What type of thinking is required?
o This question is asking you to analyze the information given, using logic, to dissect the problem and determine the answer.
· What key words does the question contain and what do they mean?
o Traits are features of an organism, used as data to build a tree.
o Extant species are still alive – i.e., not extinct.
o The ancestral condition of a trait is the original condition; the derived condition is the more newly evolved version.
o Plesiomorphies are ancestral characters.
Gather Content
· What do you already know about cladistics?
o Cladistics is the method used to construct a cladogram — a graphically represented hypothesis of evolutionary relationships.
o Only shared derived characters (synapomorphies) are useful for inferring phylogenies, and they must be contrasted to an outgroup that has the ancestral characters.
Consider Possibilities
· What other information is related to the question? Which information is most useful?
o A plesiomorphy is an ancestral character, so the question is asking which trait is most often in the ancestral condition in this data chart.
Choose Answer
· Given what you now know, what information and/or problem solving approach is most likely to produce the correct answer?
o The ancestral state is marked as “0” in this chart, so the trait represented by the most plesiomorphies is E (with 4/6).
Reflect on Process
· Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a more desirable result?
o This question asked which of the traits is represented by the most pleiomoprhies.
o The question required you to analyze the information given, using logic, to dissect the problem and determine the answer.
o Did you recognize that the trait with the most “0”s was the one with the most pleiomorphies?