Read each paragraph and respond to the questions that follow by choosing the letter of the correct answer.

(1) Most methods of coping with stress can be classified as either problem-focused or emotion-focused. (2) Problem-focused methods involve efforts to alter or eliminate a source of stress. (3) For example, you might deal with the problem of noise from a nearby airport by forming a community action group to push for tougher noise-reduction laws. (4) Emotion-focused techniques attempt to regulate1 the negative emotional consequences of stress. (5) For instance, you might calm your anger when airport noise occurs by mentally focusing on the group’s efforts to improve the situation.

1. The topic sentence of this paragraph is
a. sentence 1. c. sentence 3.
b. sentence 2. d. sentence 4.

2. The two sentences that provide major supporting details are
a. sentences 1 and 2. c. sentences 2 and 4.
b. sentences 2 and 3. d. sentences 4 and 5.

3. Which of the following sentences begin with a transition that signals a minor supporting detail?
a. sentences 2 and 3 c. sentences 4 and 5
b. sentences 3 and 4 d. sentences 3 and 5

1. a.
2. c.
3. d.

Language Arts & World Languages

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What order does the author employ to organize his or her ideas?

(1) According to some addiction treatment experts, there are four types of drinkers. (2) The first type is the abstainer who rarely uses alcohol. (3) Sometimes known as a “teetotaler,” this person might sip wine at a special celebration but then go a few months without any alcohol at all. (4) The second type of drinker is the social drinker. (5) This man or woman drinks regularly, in amounts varying from a couple drinks a month to five drinks per week. (6) The important distinction is that these people know when to stop and do not use alcohol to self-medicate. (7) While these first two types of drinkers have less risk of becoming alcohol dependent, types three and four are at much higher risk. (8) The third type of drinker is far too common on college campuses: the binge drinker. (9) Although binge drinking usually occurs in a social setting, this user regularly consumes large, dangerous amounts of alcohol that can actually be fatal. (10) The fourth type of drinker is dependent on alcohol; frequent drinking to excess causes worsening problems in both his or her relationships and professional life. (11) As one recovering dependent drinker says, “I had one tool in my toolbox to fix all of life’s problems—alcohol.” (12) If you or a friend falls into one of the last two categories, you might consider checking out an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting in your area. (1) According to some addiction treatment experts, there are four types of drinkers. (2) The first type is the abstainer who rarely uses alcohol. (3) Sometimes known as a “teetotaler,” this person might sip wine at a special celebration but then go a few months without any alcohol at all. (4) The second type of drinker is the social drinker. (5) This man or woman drinks regularly, in amounts varying from a couple drinks a month to five drinks per week. (6) The important distinction is that these people know when to stop and do not use alcohol to self-medicate. (7) While these first two types of drinkers have less risk of becoming alcohol dependent, types three and four are at much higher risk. (8) The third type of drinker is far too common on college campuses: the binge drinker. (9) Although binge drinking usually occurs in a social setting, this user regularly consumes large, dangerous amounts of alcohol that can actually be fatal. (10) The fourth type of drinker is dependent on alcohol; frequent drinking to excess causes worsening problems in both his or her relationships and professional life. (11) As one recovering dependent drinker says, “I had one tool in my toolbox to fix all of life’s problems—alcohol.” (12) If you or a friend falls into one of the last two categories, you might consider checking out an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting in your area. A) time order B) space order C) order of importance or seriousness

Language Arts & World Languages

Che c’è dentro quella scatola gialla? ____________________________________________________

Adesso la mamma risponde con una lettera in cui ti chiede tante cose. Rispondi alle domande usando espressioni negative appropriate.

Language Arts & World Languages

C La Escuela Internacional de Cine y TV. Lee el siguiente texto. Luego indica si cada oración es cierta (C) o falsa (F).

La Escuela Internacional de Cine y TV (EICTV) empezó en 1986 en una zona rural de Cuba llamada San Antonio de los Baños con el propósito de preparar cineastas (filmmakers) de todas partes del mundo en estilos no hollywoodenses. Cuando la EICTV se estableció, era estrictamente para alumnos de Asia, África y América Latina y ofrecían becas (scholarships) a los alumnos. La diversidad multinacional forma una parte integral de la escuela. Los profesores son cineastas internacionales con muchísima experiencia y éxito y a la vez los estudiantes tienen muchas oportunidades de participar en todos los papeles clave (key) del proceso creativo: actor, camarógrafo, director, editor, guionista o productor. ___ 1. La Escuela Internacional de Cine y TV se encuentra en España. ___ 2. Todos los estudiantes de la Escuela Internacional de Cine y TV son de países hispanohablantes. ___ 3. La Escuela Internacional de Cine y TV ofrece preparación cinemática al estilo hollywoodense para estudiantes fuera de los Estados Unidos. ___ 4. Los estudiantes aprenden sobre varios papeles del proceso creativo.

Language Arts & World Languages

Los estudiantes de esta clase aprenderíamos más si ______________ pasando este semestre/trimestre en España.

a) estábamos b) estaríamos c) estuviéramos

Language Arts & World Languages