Five-year-old Barry watches some older boys playing in the park. He sees one boy push another away and take the child’s toy truck to play with. A short time later Barry sees his friend Edgar playing nearby with a toy airplane. As Edgar smiles and says
hello, Barry pushes him aside and begins playing with Edgar’s airplane. Which theory of aggression would predict and explain Barry’s behavior toward Edgar?
a) Media exposure theory
b) Social learning theory
c) The prosocial behavior hypothesis
d) The instrumental reciprocity postulate
Answer: b
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c. Pheromones are found in bodily secretions, and they allow animals to mark their territories and establish dominance. d. Humans have receptors in the nose that may allow them to sense pheromones. e. Pheromones are detected through the sense of smell or taste.
Lives in Context Video 14.2: Technology and Social MediaClick on the above link to access the Interactive eBook. Once you've signed in, scroll to page 545 and watch the video. When you've finished watching the video, come back to the test and answer the following question:Cori, age 12, and her stepfather, Eric, discuss their views on social media. Cori's parents do monitor her social media use, which Cori does not seem to mind. This illustrates the parenting challenge during adolescence, which is to ______.
A. offer increasing opportunities for adolescents to develop and practice autonomy while providing protection from danger and the consequences of poor decisions B. control the adolescent's access to friends, activities, and content that is deemed inappropriate C. allow independence with the belief that poor choices will result in natural consequences D. restrict the younger adolescent's autonomy by deciding what the child can do and when
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