Define a variation on StringLinkedListSelfContained from Listing 12.7 that stores objects of type Species, rather than of type String. Write a program that uses that linked-list class to create a linked list of Species objects, asks the user to enter a Species name, and then searches the linked list and displays one of the following messages, depending on whether the name is or is not on the list:
Species Species_Name is one of the
Number_Of_Species_Names_On_List species on the list.
The data for Species_Name is as follows:
Species Species_Name is not a species on the list.
The user can enter more Species names until indicating an end to the program. The class Species is given in Listing 5.19 of Chapter 5. (If you prefer, you can use the serialized version of Species in Listing 10.9 of Chapter 10.)
Computer Science & Information Technology