What are some facts concerning people with disabilities? Select all that apply
A. Adults are more likely to have mental or developmental impairments than children.
B. Almost everyone who has disabilities that interfere with personal necessities, such as dressing or food preparation, receives some form of assistance.
C. Children typically become disabled after auto accidents.
D. The percentage of people in need but without assistance increases with age.
E. More men than women become disabled.
F. If assistance is given, it is typically because of limitations in basic life activities.
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The nurse is reviewing the anatomy and physiologic functioning of the heart. Which statement best describes what is meant by atrial kick?
a. The atria contract during systole and attempt to push against closed valves. b. Contraction of the atria at the beginning of diastole can be felt as a palpitation. c. Atrial kick is the pressure exerted against the atria as the ventricles contract during systole. d. The atria contract toward the end of diastole and push the remaining blood into the ventricles.
A male patient has been admitted with a fever and malaise. The health care provider has ordered a clean catch midstream specimen for urinalysis on this patient
To collect the urine specimen, the nurse should instruct the patient to do which of the following? a. Return to bed to obtain the specimen using a straight catheter insertion. b. Use sterile gloves to cleanse his penis and collect the specimen in a sterile cup. c. Ask the patient to void into a cup or urine collection container. d. Cleanse his penis, begin his stream, and then void into a sterile cup.
The nurse wishes to enroll a patient with poor social skills in a training program for patients with schizophrenia. Which description accurately describes how social skills training works?
a. Complex interpersonal skills are taught by breaking them into simpler behaviors. b. Patients learn to improve their attention and concentration via computer drills. c. The group leaders provide support without challenging the patient to change. d. Patients learn social skills by practicing them in a supported employment setting.
Maintaining a culturally diverse staff and working with a culturally diverse patient population is an important function of a nurse manager who works in the hospital of a large medical center
On your palliative care unit, you have recently received complaints from families about ineffective pain management for their family members and you determine this occurs primarily when certain nurses are working. What approach might you take to resolve the concerns of the families, patients, and potentially, the staff? a. Reinforce to staff that practice guidelines support as-needed analgesia for the terminally ill. b. Ask staff input on the development of stricter guidelines to ensure that all terminally patients are given sufficient analgesia. c. Encourage conversation with patients and among staff that facilitates learning about cultural beliefs and priorities in dying. d. Advise families that the administration of analgesia is based on the expert clinical judgment of nurses who are familiar with care of patients in palliative care.