Barry's friend told him he shouldn't be afraid to ask Cheri for a date to the movies. Barry is developing self-efficacy for asking someone on a date due to

a. mastery experiences. c. persuasion and encouragement.
b. interpretation of emotional arousal. d. vicarious experiences.



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Thurstone proposed that there were a few stable and independent mental abilities that he referred to as:

A. primary mental abilities. B. fluid mental abilities. C. general mental abilities. D. performance mental abilities. E. factoral mental abilities.


How many independent variables are there in an experimental two-factor design?

a. one b. two c. three d. four


If Dave's mother keeps telling him that he can achieve higher grades because he's so smart, she is trying to accomplish change in him through:

a. personal mastery experiences b. emotional arousal c. verbal persuasion d. vicarious experiences


What is the primary human goal, beyond survival, according to Chickering?

A. achieving material wealth B. maintaining physical health C. producing healthy offspring D. establishment of an identity
