Four-month-old Barry is shown an orange circle. He looks at it for eight seconds. Upon successive showings, Barry's interest falls with each repeated trial until he looks for only two seconds
When a purple circle is substituted, Barry looks at the object for nine seconds. From this
test, one may conclude that Barry
A) prefers the color purple over the color orange.
B) is able to discern the difference between orange and purple.
C) is unable to discern the difference between orange and purple.
D) prefers the color orange over the color purple.
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Infant-directed speech is characterized by short, simple sentences.
Answer the following statement true (T) or false (F)
Alcohol's effects on thinking and perception are most strongly influenced by ________
a. mood b. expectations c. IQ d. BAC
Javier and his wife are preparing to have sex. His penis becomes erect. He is likely to be in the __________ stage of the sexual response cycle according to Masters and Johnson
a) resolution b) plateau c) orgasm d) excitement
Aiden is a very talented gymnast. According to most psychologists' views of genetic versus
environmental influences on behavior (aka, Nature v. Nurture), her skill most likely represents a. a genetic predisposition. b. environmental influences. c. her desire to excel in the sport. d. the interaction of genetic and environmental factors. e. the interaction of environmental factors and chance.