If Jerry spent a great deal of time studying the concept of reinforcement through rote rehearsal,
a. he will exhibit a thorough understanding of this concept.
b. his memory network for this concept will be sparse and weak.
c. his memory network for this concept will be elaborate and detailed.
d. he will never be able to retrieve the definition of this term.
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Which of these trends has occurred over the last 100 years in the United States and Europe? a. The average difference between husband's age and wife's age has more than doubled. b. The average delay between puberty and marriage has more than doubled
c. The percentage of men reporting satisfaction with their sex life has more than doubled. d. The percentage of couples having more than two children has more than doubled.
Louie runs a clinic that helps individuals to quit smoking, and he would like to use fear to motivate his clients. Which strategy would be most effective? a. First scare clients by showing them gory lung-cancer operations. Then outline the specific steps they couldfollow to stop smoking
b. First scare clients by showing them gory lung-cancer operations. Then allow them to come up with their ownways of quitting smoking so that they are more committed. c. Present statistics concerning the health hazards of smoking, but nothing too scary. Then allow the clients tocome up with their own ways of quitting smoking so that they are more committed. d. Present statistics concerning the health hazards of smoking, but nothing too scary. Then outline the specificsteps they could follow to stop smoking.
Zahra is a critic of Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences. She is most likely to argue that:
A. musical, bodily-kinesthetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal, and naturalist intelligence are reflected in all IQ scores. B. Gardner's multiple intelligences are classified without considering the overlaps between separate intelligences. C. high intelligence in one area does not necessarily accompany high intelligence in any of the others. D. Gardner's multiple intelligences are inaccurately labeled as talents or abilities.
In measurement employing latent-trait models,
A. the characteristic being measured is not measured directly. B. all the test items are thought to measure a single trait. C. the underlying trait is assumed to be unidimensional. D. All of these