Solve.When you pay back your student loan, each monthly payment has two parts. One part goes toward the principle and the other goes toward interest. If the principle payment is p, and the interest is $75.75, write an algebraic expression for the total payment.

A. p + 75.75 dollars
B. 75.75 - p dollars
C. 75.75p dollars
D. p - 75.75 dollars

Answer: A


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A. 619 ft B. 600 ft C. 500 ft D. 610 ft E. 575 ft


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A. A ? E ? B ? C ? D ? A; weight = 28 B. A ? C ? E ? B ? D ? A; weight = 29 C. A ? B ? C ? D ? E ? A; weight = 25 D. A ? D ? B ? C ? E ? A; weight = 27


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A. 75 cents/marble B. 0.333 cents/marble C. 20 marbles D. 3 cents/marble


Find two equivalent expressions for the opposite of the polynomial.-4x4 + x2 + 6x - 5

A. -(-4x4 + x2 + 6x - 5); 4x4 + x2 + 6x - 5
B. -(-4x4 + x2 + 6x - 5); -4x4 - x2 - 6x - 5
C. -(-4x4 + x2 + 6x - 5); 4x4 - x2 - 6x + 5
D. -(-4x4 + x2 + 6x - 5); -4x4 - x2 + 6x - 5
