The most consistently documented strength of the Black family is the presence of ________
a. a strong male wage earner
b. subsidized childcare for working mothers
c. an extended family household
d. a strong nonreligious orientation
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Before the beginning of the Christian faith to the present time,anti-Semitism has followed the struggle of ________
a. Jews b. Gentiles c. East Asians d. Muslims
Which of the following represents the negative aspects of reproductive technology?
a) The association with population control promotes racism. b) Technology moves at rates faster than reproductive science. c) People who need technological intervention are mainly upper class. d) Women are seeing technological assistance without understanding it.
Oneofthemostsignificantfindingsintheneuroscienceliteratureistheobserved ofneuralactivation patternsinolderadults'brainactivitywhencomparedwiththebrainfunctioningofyoungeradults.
A. nonlateralization B. increased lateralization C. reduced lateralization D. effortful lateralization
According to "Is This A White Country, or What?" Whites: a. resent the unity of immigrants and people of color, yet they exclude them from the dominant society
b. recognize the racial hostilities their ancestors faced. c. view immigration as culturally enriching. d. welcome immigrants who remind them of their ancestors.