Using ____ CSS style sheets, the overall presentation of a Web site can be designed separately while the content is still being developed.

A. embedded
B. external
C. inline
D. any of the above

Answer: B

Computer Science & Information Technology

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This exercise guides you through experiments with connection-oriented datagram socket using code sample Example4.

Computer Science & Information Technology

describe a situation where a service is rendered to an individual. The individuals performing the services are described. The individuals performing the services are described., , draw the “boxes” showing the “job descriptions” and then draw a diagram illustrating how the objects interact.

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Computer Science & Information Technology

What determines if a slide title is viewable in the Outline view of a presentation?

A) Only if there is a title placeholder B) Only if the title is bolded C) Only if you expand the view of the slides D) Title text is always displayed for each slide in Outline view.

Computer Science & Information Technology

Match each term with a statement below.

A. Contents are lost when the computer is turned off or loses power B. Instructions that tell the computer what to do C. Incorrectly spelled words, or reversing the proper order of two words in a computer program D. Represent(s) the millions of on/off circuits within the computer E. Preselected value that stops the execution of a program F. English-like representation of the logical steps it takes to solve a problem G. Equipment, or the physical devices, associated with a computer H. Pictorial representation of the logical steps it takes to solve a problem I. Used to show the correct sequence of statements J. All the supporting paperwork for a program

Computer Science & Information Technology