What is the ultimate source of a new allele in a gene pool?
a. natural selection
b. mutation
c. gene flow
d. genetic drift
b. mutation
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The table shows the distribution of traits (A-E) in six extant species (1-6). A "0" indicates the ancestral condition, and a "1" indicates the derived condition. Which species has the greatest number of ancestral character states (pleisiomorphies)?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5
F. 6
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· What is the key concept addressed by the question?
· What type of thinking is required?
· What key words does the question contain and what do they mean?
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· What do you already know about cladistics?
Consider Possibilities
· What other information is related to the question? Which information is most useful?
Choose Answer
· Given what you now know, what information and/or problem solving approach is most likely to produce the correct answer?
Reflect on Process · Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a more desirable result?
How do photoreceptors regenerate inactive cis-retinal?
a. The cell degrades the active form and synthesizes new, inactive proteins. b. Enzymes convert trans-retinal back to the inactive conformation c. trans-retinalreverts back to the inactive state on its own.
d. Active trans-retinal is digested by proteases to regenerate the inactive form. e. The mechanism is not known.
Which of the following are found in the nucleus?
a. plastids b. vacuoles c. vesicles d. nucleoli e. microbodies
Which of the following is not a simple carbohydrate?
a. Starch b. Table sugar c. Disaccharide d. Monosaccharide