b. 50%
c. 75%
d. 100%
Answer: B: 50%
Which of these is an example of an external attribution?
a. The team lost because it did not practice properly b. The team lost because the other team was extremely strong. c. The team lost because its players are not very talented. d. The team lost because its players did not try hard enough.
Regarding Freud's theory, which of the following statements is FALSE?
a. The superego acts as a power source for the entire psyche, or personality. b. The libido underlies our efforts to survive, as well as our sexual desires and pleasure seeking. c. Freud described a death instinct, although today it is more often thought of as an impulse toward aggression. d. Freud offered humanity's long history of wars and violence as evidence of urges from the human instinct, he called Thanatos.
Which font should be used for APA formatting?
a. 10 pt Ariel b. 12 pt Ariel c. 10 pt Times New Roman d. 12 pt Times New Roman
Probability sampling: ____________: nonprobability sampling: _____________
a. simple random sampling, purposive sampling b. stratified random sampling, cluster sampling c. purposive sampling, haphazard sampling d. purposive sampling, stratified random sampling