Who is the creator of the World Wide Web?
A) IBM B) Tim Berners-Lee C) Marc Andreessen D) Bill Gates
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Develop an application that computes the amount of money an employee makes each year over a user-specified number of years. Assume the employee receives a weekly wage of $500 and a pay raise once every year. The user specifies in the application the amount of the raise (in percent per year) and the number of years for which the amounts earned will be calculated. The application should run as shown in Fig. 10.32.
a) Copying the template to your working directory. Copy the C:Exam- plesTutorial10ExercisesPayRaise directory to your C:SimplyJava direc- tory.
b) Opening the template file. Open the PayRaise.java file in your text editor.
c) Customizing the Amount of raise (in %): JSpinner. You must customize this JSpin- ner to display the pay raise percentage. The name of this JSpinner is raiseJSpin- ner. The user should only be able to specify percentages in the range of 3%–8%. Modify line 53 so that raiseJSpinner’s initial value is 3, its minimum value is 3, its maximum value is 8 and its step size is 1. In line 54, insert code to set the bounds property to 170, 25, 70, 22.
d) Customizing the Years: JSpinner. You must customize this JSpinner to display the number of years in the range 1–50. The name of this JSpinner is yearsJSpinner. Modify line 65 so that yearsJSpinner’s initial value is 1, its minimum value is 1, its maximum value is 50 and its step size is 1. In l
How does a document appear when you choose the Final option from the Review tab?
A) Shows additions and deletions in balloons in the margin B) Shows the document if you accept all tracked changes C) Shows the document if all tracked changes are rejected D) Shows the additions as inserted text in the document and deletions in balloons in the margin
Which of the following is NOT a purpose for a tower power supply?
A) Provide cooling for the computer. B) Convert AC to DC. C) Provide power to the computer. D) Provide current to the display.
A _______ is a form that is associated with one or more database tables.
Fill in the blank(s) with the appropriate word(s).