Baby Julia was shown the same picture over and over again. At first, she looked with great interest, but after looking at it repeatedly, she because bored with it. Julia's reaction illustrates __________.
A. proprioception
B. perception
C. habituation
D. sensation
Answer: C
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Which term refers to a mother voluntarily terminating a pregnancy?
A. spontaneous abortion B. stillbirth C. miscarriage D. abortion
Anger's unique motivational properties are believed to be due to its____
a. variations in intensity b. association with aggression c. suppression by society d. negative impact on survival
Which of the following illustrates the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation?
a. smiley face on child homework and name on honor roll b. paycheck at work and pride in doing a good job c. voting in national election and picking up litter in public park d. male lion getting sex and male lion not getting sex
Tim feels that he has worked very hard to get his promotion. However when his last sales pitch did not end up in a sale he attributed the failure to the fact that the company he was "pitching to" was having financial difficulties. Tim's behavior is an illustration of __________
a. the actor-observer effect c. the self-serving bias b. the foot-in-the-door technique d. a fundamental attribution error