Why might an individual with an STI need to be checked for other STIs, even though he/she has no symptoms of any others?
Several STI-causing pathogens are known to 'piggy back' on each other, being carried into the genital tract together.
A diagnosis of an STI implies that the individual engaged in unprotected sexual intercourse. Several STIs are largely asymptomatic, so it is wise to test for a variety of typical STIs when the patient admits to or shows signs of engaging in such risky behavior.
They don't need to be tested-all STIs are highly obviously symptomatic, so there is no need to test for other diseases than the one currently manifesting itself in the patient.
It's a public health issue-it's best to know who is positive for what in the population of sexually-active individuals. This lets healthcare professionals act to best safeguard the population as a whole from the range of STIs.
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