(Polynomial Class) Develop class Polynomial. The internal representation of a Polynomial is an array of terms. Each term contains a coefficient and an exponent, e.g., the term 2x4 has the coefficient 2 and the exponent 4. Develop a complete class containing proper constructor and destructor functions as well as set and get functions. The class should also provide the following overloaded operator


a) Overload the addition operator (+) to add two Polynomials.
b) Overload the subtraction operator (-) to subtract two Polynomials.
c) Overload the assignment operator to assign one Polynomial to another.
d) Overload the multiplication operator (*) to multiply two Polynomials.
e) Overload the addition assignment operator (+=), subtraction assignment operator (-=), and multiplication assignment operator (*=).

// Polynomial class definition.

class Polynomial
static const int maxTerms = 100; // maximum number of terms

Polynomial operator+( const Polynomial & ) const; // addition
Polynomial operator-( const Polynomial & ) const; // subtraction
Polynomial operator*( const Polynomial & ) const; // multiplication
Polynomial &operator=( const Polynomial & ); // assignment
Polynomial &operator+=( const Polynomial & );
Polynomial &operator-=( const Polynomial & );
Polynomial &operator*=( const Polynomial & );
void enterTerms();
void printPolynomial() const;
int getNumberOfTerms() const; // user can only retrieve value
int getTermExponent( int ) const;
int getTermCoefficient( int ) const;
void setCoefficient( int, int ); // set coefficient of a specific term
~Polynomial(); // destructor
int numberOfTerms;
int exponents[ maxTerms ]; // exponent array
int coefficients[ maxTerms ]; // coefficients array
static void polynomialCombine( Polynomial & ); // combine common terms
}; // end class Polynomial

// Polynomial member-function definitions.
#include "Polynomial.h"
using namespace std;

for ( int t = 0; t < maxTerms; t++ )
coefficients[ t ] = 0;
exponents[ t ] = 0;
} // end for

numberOfTerms = 0;
} // end Polynomial constructor

void Polynomial::printPolynomial() const
int start;
bool zero = false;

if ( coefficients[ 0 ] ) // output constants
cout << coefficients[ 0 ];
start = 1;
zero = true; // at least one term exists
if ( coefficients[ 1 ] )
cout << coefficients[ 1 ] << 'x'; // constant does not exist
// so output first term
// without a sign
if ( ( exponents[ 1 ] != 0 ) && ( exponents[ 1 ] != 1 ) )
cout << '^' << exponents[ 1 ];

zero = true; // at least one term exists
} // end inner if

start = 2;
} // end else

// output remaining polynomial terms
for ( int x = start; x < maxTerms; x++ )
if ( coefficients[ x ] != 0 )
cout << showpos << coefficients[ x ] << noshowpos << 'x';

if ( ( exponents[ x ] != 0 ) && ( exponents[ x ] != 1 ) )
cout << '^' << exponents[ x ];

zero = true; // at least one term exists
} // end if
} // end for

if ( !zero ) // no terms exist in the polynomial
cout << '0';

cout << endl;
} // end function printPolynomial

Polynomial &Polynomial::operator=( const Polynomial &r )
exponents[ 0 ] = r.exponents[ 0 ];
coefficients[ 0 ] = r.coefficients[ 0 ];

for ( int s = 1; s < 100maxTerms; s++ )
if ( r.exponents[ s ] != 0 )
exponents[ s ] = r.exponents[ s ];
coefficients[ s ] = r.coefficients[ s ];
if ( exponents[ s ] == 0 )

exponents[ s ] = 0;
coefficients[ s ] = 0;
} // end else
} // end for

return *this;
} // end function operator=

Polynomial Polynomial::operator+( const Polynomial &r ) const
Polynomial temp;
bool exponentExists;
int s;

// process element with a zero exponent
temp.coefficients[ 0 ] = coefficients[ 0 ] + r.coefficients[ 0 ];

// copy right arrays into temp object; s will be used to keep
// track of first open coefficient element
for ( s = 1; ( s < maxTerms ) && ( r.exponents[ s ] != 0 ); s++ )
temp.coefficients[ s ] = r.coefficients[ s ];
temp.exponents[ s ] = r.exponents[ s ];
} // end for

for ( int x = 1; x < maxTerms; x++ )
exponentExists = false; // assume exponent will not be found

for ( int t = 1; ( t < maxTerms ) && ( !exponentExists ); t++ )
if ( exponents[ x ] == temp.exponents[ t ] )
temp.coefficients[ t ] += coefficients[ x ];
exponentExists = true; // exponent found
} // end if

// exponent was not found, insert into temp
if ( !exponentExists )
temp.exponents[ s ] = exponents[ x ];
temp.coefficients[ s ] += coefficients[ x ];
} // end if
} // end for

return temp;
} // end function operator+

Polynomial &Polynomial::operator+=( const Polynomial &r )
*this = *this + r;
return *this;
} // end function operator+=

Polynomial Polynomial::operator-( const Polynomial &r ) const
Polynomial temp;
bool exponentExists;
int s;

// process element with a zero exponent
temp.coefficients[ 0 ] = coefficients[ 0 ] - r.coefficients[ 0 ];

// copy left arrays into temp object; s will be used to keep
// track of first open coefficient element
for ( s = 1; ( s < maxTerms ) && ( exponents[ s ] != 0 ); s++ )
temp.coefficients[ s ] = coefficients[ s ];
temp.exponents[ s ] = exponents[ s ];
} // end for

for ( int x = 1; x < maxTerms; x++ )
exponentExists = false; // assume exponent will not be found

for ( int t = 1; ( t < maxTerms ) && ( !exponentExists ); t++ )

if ( r.exponents[ x ] == temp.exponents[ t ] )
temp.coefficients[ t ] -= r.coefficients[ x ];
exponentExists = true; // exponent found
} // end if

// exponent was not found, insert into temp
if ( !exponentExists )
temp.exponents[ s ] = r.exponents[ x ];
temp.coefficients[ s ] -= r.coefficients[ x ];
} // end if
} // end for

return temp;

} // end function operator-

Polynomial &Polynomial::operator-=( const Polynomial &r )
*this = *this - r;
return *this;
} // end function operator-=

Polynomial Polynomial::operator*( const Polynomial &r ) const
Polynomial temp;
int s = 1; // subscript location for temp coefficient and exponent

for ( int x = 0; ( x < maxTerms ) &&
( x == 0 || coefficients[ x ] != 0 ); x++ )

for ( int y = 0; ( y < maxTerms ) &&
( y == 0 || r.coefficients[ y ] != 0 ); y++ )

if ( coefficients[ x ] * r.coefficients[ y ] )

if ( ( exponents[ x ] == 0 ) && ( r.exponents[ y ] == 0 ) )
temp.coefficients[ 0 ] +=
coefficients[ x ] * r.coefficients[ y ];
temp.coefficients[ s ] =
coefficients[ x ] * r.coefficients[ y ];
temp.exponents[ s ] = exponents[ x ] + r.exponents[ y ];
} // end else

polynomialCombine( temp ); // combine common terms
return temp;
} // end function operator*

void Polynomial::polynomialCombine( Polynomial &w )
Polynomial temp = w;

// zero out elements of w
for ( int x = 0; x < maxTerms; x++ )
w.coefficients[ x ] = 0;
w.exponents[ x ] = 0;
} // end for

for ( int x = 1; x < maxTerms; x++ )
for ( int y = x + 1; y < maxTerms; y++ )
if ( temp.exponents[ x ] == temp.exponents[ y ] )
temp.coefficients[ x ] += temp.coefficients[ y ];
temp.exponents[ y ] = 0;
temp.coefficients[ y ] = 0;
} // end if
} // end outer for

w = temp;
} // end function polynomialCombine

Polynomial &Polynomial::operator*=( const Polynomial &r )
*this = *this * r;
return *this;
} // end function operator*=

void Polynomial::enterTerms()
bool found = false;
int c, e, term;

cout << "\nEnter number of polynomial terms: ";
cin >> numberOfTerms;

for ( int n = 0; n < maxTerms && n < numberOfTerms; n++ )
cout << "\nEnter coefficient: ";
cin >> c;
cout << "Enter exponent: ";
cin >> e;

if ( c != 0 )
// exponents of zero are forced into first element
if ( e == 0 )
coefficients[ 0 ] += c;
} // end if

for ( term = 1; ( term < maxTerms ) &&
( coefficients[ term ] != 0 ); term++ )

if ( e == exponents[ term ] )
coefficients[ term ] += c;
exponents[ term ] = e;
found = true; // existing exponent updated
} // end if

if ( !found ) // add term
coefficients[ term ] += c;
exponents[ term ] = e;
} // end if
} // end outer if
} // end outer for
} // end function endTerms

int Polynomial::getNumberOfTerms() const
return numberOfTerms;
} // end function getNumberOfTerms

int Polynomial::getTermExponent( int term ) const
return exponents[ term ];
} // end function getTermExponent

int Polynomial::getTermCoefficient( int term ) const
return coefficients[ term ];
} // end function getTermsCoefficient

void Polynomial::setCoefficient( int term, int coefficient )
if ( coefficients[ term ] == 0 ) // no term at this location
cout << "No term at this location, cannot set term." << endl;
else // otherwise, set term
coefficients[ term ] = coefficient;
} // end function setTerm

// destructor
// empty destructor
} // end destructor
// Polynomial test program.
#include "Polynomial.h"
using namespace std;

int main()
Polynomial a, b, c, t;

t = a; // save the value of a
cout << "First polynomial is:\n";
cout << "Second polynomial is:\n";
cout << "\nAdding the polynomials yields:\n";
c = a + b;
cout << "\n+= the polynomials yields:\n";
a += b;
cout << "\nSubtracting the polynomials yields:\n";
a = t; // reset a to original value
c = a - b;
cout << "\n-= the polynomials yields:\n";
a -= b;
cout << "\nMultiplying the polynomials yields:\n";
a = t; // reset a to original value
c = a * b;
cout << "\n*= the polynomials yields:\n";
a *= b;
cout << endl;
} // end main
Enter number of polynomial terms: 2
Enter coefficient: 2
Enter exponent: 2
Enter coefficient: 3
Enter exponent: 3
Enter number of polynomial terms: 3
Enter coefficient: 1
Enter exponent: 1
Enter coefficient: 2
Enter exponent: 2
Enter coefficient: 3
Enter exponent: 3
First polynomial is:
Second polynomial is:
Adding the polynomials yields:
+= the polynomials yields:
Subtracting the polynomials yields:
-= the polynomials yields:
Multiplying the polynomials yields:
*= the polynomials yields:

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