The working conditions and wages of the "factory girls" who worked in the textile mills of New England improved considerably after a series of strikes in the 1830s and 1840s
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What did Erasmus expect to be the result of his research and writings?
A) Erasmus expected peaceful correction of religious abuses. B) He promoted active resistance to the church based on his findings. C) Erasmus hoped that the Jesuits would reform church abuses. D) Erasmus wanted the pope to publicly apologize for mistakes. E) He expected the pope to nullify his claims of being God's representative.
What happened at Jackson State and Kent State Universities in 1970?
a. students marched quietly to mourn the victims of the My Lai Massacre. b. Young Americans for Freedom staged the largest pro-war demonstration in the history of the conflict. c. Catholic priests helped draft protesters burn their draft cards. d. National guard troops shot and killed six unarmed student protesters.
The Daniel Webster-Robert Hayne debate of 1830 began as a political dispute over
A. slavery. B. trade with England. C. the sale of public land. D. the value of the two-party system. E. relations with Indian tribes.
The 1965 Griswold v. Connecticut decision legalized
A) ?abortion. B) ?the distribution of explicit publications such as Playboy magazine. C) ?sex education in public schools. D) ?the sale of birth control pills and other contraceptive devices. E) ?None of these are correct.