Which personality trait contrasts nervousness, moodiness, and sensitivity to negative stimuli with coping ability?
A. openness to experience
B. neuroticism
C. conscientiousness
D. extraversion
Answer: B
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If a researcher is attempting to assess the reliability of a measure of depression, the method of choice would be
a. internal consistency. b. time sampling. c. the test-retest method. d. more than one of these.
Down Syndrome is:
a. caused by teratogens. b. associated with severe mental retardation in most cases. c. cured with changes in one's diet. d. caused by chromosomal abnormalities.
The facial-feedback hypothesis is defined as __________
a) the process by which the facial muscles send messages to the brain about the basic emotion being expressed.
b) a state of arousal involving facial and bodily changes, brain activation, cognitive appraisals, subjective feelings, and tendencies toward action, all of which are shaped by cultural rules.
c) an irrational aspect of our mammalian heritage that no longer has an adaptive function in human behavior.
d) a set of social and cultural rules that regulates when, how, and where a person may express (or must suppress) emotions.
Regarding aversion therapy for smoking cigarettes, which of the following statements is FALSE?
a. Behaviorists have found that electric shock and nauseating drugs are not required to make smokers uncomfortable. b. Without the help of a therapist, most people quit too soon for rapid smoking to succeed. c. A trained therapist should be present during the rapid smoking procedure because it can be dangerous due to the toxic nature of nicotine. d. Rapid smoking is an example of the use of operant conditioning in causing extinction of the smoking habit.