What parenting style is characteristic of fathers whose children have an illusion of incompetence?
a. The fathers are emotional and expressive.
b. The fathers use love withdrawal as a discipline technique. c. The fathers set standards that are too easily attained.
d. The fathers are critical and unsupportive.
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The Robbers Cave experiment demonstrated that
a. ingroup favoritism is inevitable. b. group categorization is automatic. c. prejudice is a function of social class. d. prejudice can result from intergroup competition.
Researchers electrically activated Snippy the rat's ventromedial hypothalamus. This activation will likely cause Snippy to
a. refuse to eat. b. drink large amounts of sweet liquid. c. eat moderately. d. overeat and become obese.
Humans localize low frequencies by ____ differences and high frequencies by ____ differences.
A. timing; phase B. loudness; phase C. phase; timing D. phase; loudness
Youare apsychiatristoncallwith a stateprison.Youhavebeencalledintoexamineaninmatewhohasbeenbehavingerratically.Prisonofficialsareconcernedthatheposes a dangertohimselfandothers.Theyhaveconfinedhimin a baresolitarycelltobesurehecan'thurthimself,andhaveaskedyoutoevaluatehim. Immediately,yourecognizeanethicaldilemma.Yourdutyasa psychiatristrequiresyoutoactinthebestinterestsofyourpatient,butatthesametime,yourecognizethattheprisonsettingbringswithitcertaindutiesthatfavorinstitutionalsecurityoverpatientrights. Your session with the inmate has left you convinced that the inmate has the intention of attacking his cellmate. You are faced with a dilemma. As a professional, you are committed to patient confidentiality, and the inmate has not given you permission to share anything that he told you.
At the same time, you recognize that the cellmate's safety is at risk. Your dilemma is resolved by the ____________ rule, which states that you would be liable if you fail to act and the cellmate is harmed. A. Washington B. Tarasoff C. Harper D. Ruiz