Naomi took the Bayley Scales of Infant Development to measure her developmental level. The Bayley Scales of Infant Development is a standardized test
Learning theorists try to identify the mechanisms of learning present in animals and to apply them to people.
Answer: True
Learning Objective: LO 1.4 Identify the key concepts used by learning and social learning theories to explain development.
Topic/Concept: Learning Theories
Difficulty Level: 2
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Social learning theory is associated with B.F. Skinner.
Answer: False
Learning Objective: LO 1.4 Identify the key concepts used by learning and social learning theories to explain development.
Topic/Concept: Learning Theories
Difficulty Level: 1
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
The classic cognitive theories are those of Piaget and Vygotsky.
Answer: True
Learning Objective: LO 1.5 Identify important contributions from Piaget and Vygotsky to an understanding of the development of thinking.
Topic/Concept: Classic Cognitive Development Theories
Difficulty Level: 2
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Schemes are a cornerstone of Vygotsky’s theory.
Answer: False
Learning Objective: LO 1.5 Identify important contributions from Piaget and Vygotsky to an understanding of the development of thinking.
Topic/Concept: Classic Cognitive Development Theories
Difficulty Level: 2
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Vygotsky’s work was further developed by Urie Bronfenbrenner.
Answer: True
Learning Objective: LO 1.5 Identify important contributions from Piaget and Vygotsky to an understanding of the development of thinking.
Topic/Concept: Classic Cognitive Development Theories
Difficulty Level: 2
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Rima and Song were discussing developmental theories. According to Rima, both Piaget and Vygotsky believed that biological and social factors interacted in development.
Answer: True
Learning Objective: LO 1.5 Identify important contributions from Piaget and Vygotsky to an understanding of the development of thinking.
Topic/Concept: Classic Cognitive Development Theories
Difficulty Level: 3
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
According to Vygotsky, very few aspects of cognitive development occur in a social context.
Answer: False
Learning Objective: LO 1.5 Identify important contributions from Piaget and Vygotsky to an understanding of the development of thinking.
Topic/Concept: Classic Cognitive Development Theories
Difficulty Level: 2
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Developmental cognitive neuroscience is the newest area of developmental science.
Answer: True
Learning Objective: LO 1.6 Identify the key features of information processing
Topic/Concept: Modern Cognitive Development Theories
Difficulty Level: 2
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
The theories of both Vygotsky and Piaget were praised for their precision about defining the mechanisms underlying changes in memory, language, and thinking.
Answer: False
Learning Objective: LO 1.6 Identify the key features of information processing
Topic/Concept: Modern Cognitive Development Theories
Difficulty Level: 3
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Kelly was getting a lot better at chess as she got older. Information processing theory would predict that in part she has adopted more efficient strategies for processing information as she increased in age and experience.
Answer: True
Learning Objective: LO 1.6 Identify the key features of information processing
Topic/Concept: Modern Cognitive Development Theories
Difficulty Level: 3
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Today, systems theories hold little importance in developmental research.
Answer: False
Learning Objective: LO 1.7 Explain how multiple factors operating over time are thought to influence development within developmental systems theories.
Topic/Concept: Development systems theories.
Difficulty Level: 2
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
The bioecological model of human development is associated with Bronfenbrenner.
Answer: True
Learning Objective: LO 1.7 Explain how multiple factors operating over time are thought to influence development within developmental systems theories.
Topic/Concept: Development systems theories.
Difficulty Level: 1
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Celeste said that Bronfenbrenner’s ecological levels seem to nest within each other like the familiar Russian matryoshka dolls. Is this true or false?
Answer: True
Learning Objective: LO 1.7 Explain how multiple factors operating over time are thought to influence development within developmental systems theories.
Topic/Concept: Development systems theories.
Difficulty Level: 2
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Bronfenbrenner’s model is very easy to implement.
Answer: False
Learning Objective: LO 1.7 Explain how multiple factors operating over time are thought to influence development within developmental systems theories.
Topic/Concept: Development systems theories.
Difficulty Level: 2
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
The bioecological model is more like a set of guidelines rather than a traditional theory.
Answer: True
Learning Objective: LO 1.7 Explain how multiple factors operating over time are thought to influence development within developmental systems theories.
Topic/Concept: Development systems theories.
Difficulty Level: 2
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Answer: True.