Of the following, what is the most commonly voiced criticism of zero-tolerance policies?
a. Zero-tolerance policies are ineffective, because it is impossible to implement them consistently and uniformly.
b. Zero-tolerance policies are ineffective, because they don't discriminate between major and minor offenses (such as a first grader being suspended for kissing a classmate).
c. Zero-tolerance policies are ineffective, because it is virtually impossible to catch and convict the perpetrators of the most serious violations.
d. Zero-tolerance policies are ineffective, because they are very unpopular with parents and other taxpayers.
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In which of the following situations would criterion-referenced scores always be more appropriate than norm-referenced scores?
a. To choose students for a program for gifted and talented youth b. To select students for a highly selective and prestigious university c. To pretest students' knowledge so that you know where to begin instruction d. To place students in reading groups based on relative ability
The cognitive-constructivist view of reading supports that
a. reading is an active process b. there is only one true meaning of a text c. all readers follow the same process in constructing meaning d. reading is a sequential process
In a study on the influence of exercise type on pulse rate and dependence on dietary preference, the following table details Tests of Between-Subjects Effects.
Source of Variation Type III Sum of Squares df Mean square F Sig. Within cells 104435.07 144 725.24 Diet 33024.50 1 33024.50 45.54 .000 Exertype 449.23 2 224.62 .31 .734 Diet x Exertype 757.96 2 378.98 .52 .594 The following output is produced for diet x intensity Multivariate tests of significance (S = 1, M = 0, N = 701/2) Test name Value approx F Hypoth df Error df Sig. Pillai’s .22554 20.82224 2.00 143.00 .000 Hotelling’s .29122 20.82224 2.00 143.00 .000 Wilks’s .777446 20.82224 2.00 143.00 .000 Roy’s .22554 Source: http://ssc.utexas.edu/docs/stat38.html The reported findings are written as follows F(1, 143) = 20.82, p = .000 What do you deduce by this result A. Change in pulse rate is not affected by dietary preference. B. There is no difference in pulse rate in relation to intensity levels. C. Change in pulse rate across intensity levels depends on dietary preference. D. None of the above.
The S in the ABCS approach stands for:
a. Satisfy b. Sustain c. Separate Short and Long term goals d. Specify and Self-Reflect