Select the strategies that will make use of voicemail most effective. Select all that apply
1. Speak quickly so that the entire message can be delivered before the machine stops recording.
2. Repeat numbers and e-mail addresses given in the message.
3. Be prepared to leave a message before the call is actually made.
4. Suggest a time and method for return communication.
5. Do not use voicemail for confidential information.
2, 3, 4, 5
Explanation: 1. The sender should speak slowly so that the message is clear. The message should be well-designed so that it can be completed within the time limitations.
2. It is difficult for the receiver to record numbers and e-mail addresses unless the sender speaks clearly and slowly and repeats the information. Many times this information is very familiar to the sender and is spoken faster than other parts of the message.
3. The sender should consider that it might be necessary to leave a message and should know what important information should be clearly conveyed prior to making the call.
4. The sender should indicate if no return call is necessary or a good time for a return call if indicated.
5. Voicemail may not be confidential and may be overheard by or played by those other than the one for which the message is intended. This should be a strong consideration before leaving a voicemail with sensitive information.
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