Although Jason told his professor that he missed class because he thought he had the a fever and was coming
down with the flu, the real reason for his absence was that he attended a party the night before and had overslept. Jason is utilizing which defense mechanism?
a. displacement
b. sublimation
c. compensation
d. rationalization
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Michael, the regional manager of his company, believes that Jim is a personable and productive individual. When asked to rate Jim's leadership skills, Michael does not have much to go on and therefore assumes he is also a good leader. This is an example of a(n)
a. contrast effect. b. halo effect. c. escalation effect. d. Hawthorne effect.
Suppose you prepare for your test on memory by relating the information to your grandfather’s memory problems due to Alzheimer’s disease. In this case, you are using ____ rehearsal
a. ?story b. ?maintenance c. ?elaborative d. ?picture
Youare a psychiatristoncallwith a stateprison.Youhavebeencalledintoexamineaninmatewhohasbeenbehavingerratically.Prisonofficialsareconcernedthatheposes a dangertohimselfandothers.Theyhaveconfinedhimin a baresolitarycelltobesurehecan'thurthimself,andhaveaskedyoutoevaluatehim. Immediately,yourecognizeanethicaldilemma.Yourdutyasa psychiatristrequiresyoutoactinthebestinterestsofyourpatient,butatthesametime,yourecognizethattheprisonsettingbringswithitcertaindutiesthatfavorinstitutionalsecurityoverpatientrights. After meeting with the inmate, you determine that he is in need of medication to control his psychosis. You are concerned that the inmate is unable to provide ________________ for the treatment, which challenges your professional ethics.
A. legal permission B. informed consent C. financial payment D. a compelling reason
Desiree is an average young adult American female. Based upon statistics, which of the following is the most frequent activity that she is likely to engage in on weekday nights, between dinner and bedtime?
a. watching television b. talking with friends c. doing chores d. walking the dog