Write a program that tests whether the examples of the math library function calls below actually produce the indicated results.
using namespace std;
int cube(int y); // function prototype
int main() {
int x{0};
for (x = 1; x <= 10; x++) { // loop 10 times
cout << cube(x) << endl; // calculate cube of x and output results
// definition of function cube
int cube(int y) {
return y * y * y;
// ex06_03.cpp
// Testing the math library functions.
using namespace std;
int main() {
cout << fixed << setprecision(1);
cout << "sqrt(" << 9.0 << ") = " << sqrt(9.0);
cout << "\nexp(" << 1.0 << ") = " << setprecision(6)
<< exp(1.0) << "\nexp(" << setprecision(1) << 2.0
<< ") = " << setprecision(6) << exp(2.0);
cout << "\nlog(" << 2.718282 << ") = " << setprecision(1)
<< log(2.718282)
<< "\nlog(" << setprecision(6) << 7.389056 << ") = "
<< setprecision(1) << log(7.389056);
cout << "\nlog10(" << 10.0 << ") = " << log10(10.0)
<< "\nlog10(" << 100.0 << ") = " << log10(100.0) ;
cout << "\nfabs(" << 5.1 << ") = " << fabs(5.1)
<< "\nfabs(" << 0.0 << ") = " << fabs(0.0)
<< "\nfabs(" << -8.76 << ") = " << fabs(-8.76);
cout << "\nceil(" << 9.2 << ") = " << ceil(9.2)
<< "\nceil(" << -9.8 << ") = " << ceil(-9.8);
cout << "\nfloor(" << 9.2 << ") = " << floor(9.2)
<< "\nfloor(" << -9.8 << ") = " << floor(-9.8);
cout << "\npow(" << 2.0 << ", " << 7.0 << ") = "
<< pow(2.0, 7.0) << "\npow(" << 9.0 << ", "
<< 0.5 << ") = " << pow(9.0, 0.5);
cout << setprecision(3) << "\nfmod("<< 2.6 << ", " << 1.2 << ") = "
<< fmod(2.6, 1.2) << setprecision(1);
cout << "\nsin(" << 0.0 << ") = " << sin(0.0);
cout << "\ncos(" << 0.0 << ") = " << cos(0.0);
cout << "\ntan(" << 0.0 << ") = " << tan(0.0) << endl;
Computer Science & Information Technology