Julie is 32 years old. According to the Census, she is best classified as:
a. a young adult.
b. the young-old.
c. a later-lifer.
d. The Census does not define Julie's age group.
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Rueschemeyer, Stephens, and Stephens explain the transition to full democracy as resulting from
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According to some studies, the United States may be entering a postethnic age in which clearly perceived racial and ethnic groups:
a. blend into a "beige continuum." b. become more "fundamentally" distinct. c. become more "joyfully celebrated" than ever before. d. cause more "ethnic strife" than ever before.
Where was the feminist movement born in the United States?
A. Philadelphia, PA B. Seneca Falls, NY C. Akron, OH D. Minneapolis, MN
Mao Zedong’s death in 1976 resulted in the rise to power of:
a. his family (sons and wife) who assumed roles in the state similar to what took place under earlier Chinese emperors b. many people who had been opponents of the Chinese Revolution from the beginning c. more pragmatic and conservative leaders, including Deng Xiaoping d. the Gang of Four