Barry, a proud, expecting father, imagines his soon-to-be first daughter in glowing terms: "She'll be gorgeous, I just know it. Glowing skin, pretty brown eyes, beautifully shaped head, well-proportioned body"

It's your job to tell Barry what a newborn is really like. What do you say?
What will be an ideal response?

Students' answers will vary, but their descriptions should include the facts that newborns' heads are usually very large in relation to their bodies and their skulls are frequently misshapen as a result of being squeezed during the birth process. Their skin may still have remnants of vernix caseosa, which is the white, cheesy coating that protects the skin before birth, so their skin may not, in fact, be "glowing." Newborns can turn their heads and eyes toward voices, and they can see to some extent, so Barry might be able to observe the "pretty brown eyes."


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Because of the difference in the images that reach each eye, we receive two slightly different views of the world. This phenomenon is the most basic source of depth perception and is known as

a. interposition. b. convergence. c. retinal disparity. d. accommodation.


Which of the following is true concerning partial schedules of reinforcement?

A) Interval schedules tend to yield higher rates of responding as compared to ratio schedules. B) Ratio schedules tend to yield higher rates of responding as compared to interval schedules. C) Fixed schedules tend to yield higher rates of responding as compared to variable schedules. D) All combinations of intermittent schedules tend to yield similar rates of responding.


Kevin, a suspect for murder, is being interrogated at his local police station. The police have Kevin in a small, soundproof room, sitting in an armless chair. The police officer is leaning in and accusing Kevin of doing horrific things to the victim. The police officer says that he doesn't understand why Kevin would do such a horrible thing, but that they have "mounds" of evidence against him. (this last part is a lie). Which of these details is not recommended by Inbau et al. in their book Criminal Interrogation and Confessions?

A. Kevin shouldn't be sitting in a small, soundproof room in an armless chair. B. The police shouldn't make an exaggerated statement about the amount of evidence they have against the suspect. C. The police shouldn't say that they don't understand why Kevin would do the crime in question. D. none of the above (all are recommended by Inbau et al.)


Entering into a new culture in health care will require _________, acceptance, and teamwork.

fill in the blank
