An Excel 97-2003 workbook can be opened with Excel 2013
Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
Answer: TRUE
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The option that automatically makes copies of files as you are working on them is ____.
A. Save As B. Save C. autosave D. automatic
Write a program that simulates a bouncing ball by computing its height in feet at each second as time passes on a simulated clock. At time zero, the ball begins at height zero and has an initial velocity supplied by the user. (An initial velocity of at least 100 feet per second is a good choice.) After each second, change the height by adding the current velocity; then subtract 32 from the velocity. If the new height is less than zero, multiply both the height and the velocity by -0.5 to simulate the bounce. Stop at the fifth bounce. The output from your program should have the following form: Enter the initial velocity of the ball: 100
Time: 0 Height: 0.0 Time: 1 Height: 100.0 Time: 2 Height: 168.0 Time: 3 Height: 204.0 Time: 4 Height: 208.0 Time: 5 Height: 180.0 Time: 6 Height: 120.0 Time: 7 Height: 28.0 Bounce! Time: 8 Height: 48.0 This project is a numerical simulation of a bouncing ball. The simulation of the bounce is not particularly realistic, but it avoids dealing with issues of determining exactly when the ball hits the surface. The quality of the simulation is sensitive to the combination of the input parameters.
Create an applet that will draw a number of strings based upon an initial string specified by the user. If the string is n characters long, draw n strings as follows: The first string is the original one that the user typed in a text field. Each subsequent string removes the last character from the previous string. For example, if the user enters the string “Charles”, the applet would draw
Charles Charle Charl Char Cha Ch C Use a text field to get a string from the user. Then draw the strings when the user clicks a Draw button. Hint: Draw the strings in the paint method, but remember to call super.paint(). You should also call repaint in the actionPerformed method that listens for the button press.
To change the Photoshop background pattern through Preferences…
a. Select File & Save as Transparent. b. Select Transparency & Gamut. c. Select Transparent Layers. d. Select Change Layers.