What effect occurs when the performance of people of different ages varies because they grew up in different generations?
a. gender effect
b. time of measurement effect
c. age effect
d. cohort effect
Answer: D
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What did a study of 500 pairs of MZ and DZ twins done in Kentucky find, in terms of intelligence?
a. The correlations between MZ twins and the correlations between DZ twins were similar. b. The correlations between DZ twins were about the same as those between other siblings. c. MZ twins were generally smarter than DZ twins. d. DZ twins were generally smarter than MZ twins.
Your friend, Sheila, says she is definitely a right-brained person because she excels in her language and art classes but performs miserably in her math classes
You tell her A) indeed there is scientific evidence for some specialization across hemispheres, so she must have greater activation of one hemisphere compared to the other. B) there is no scientific evidence for this type of hemispheric asymmetry for complex tasks, and actually the two hemispheres function together. C) she has it backwards: if she likes language but dislikes math, she must be left-brained. D) she needs to also assess her handedness before reaching this conclusion.
One of Pavlov’s students discovered that dogs began to salivate to non-food cues, and that they were learning to anticipate food when it was paired with a neutral stimulus, such as color or odor. What was Pavlov’s response?
a. He argued with his student over the validity and reliability of his findings. b. He agreed with his student’s findings but could not immediately shift their research focus because of funding constraints. c. He agreed with his student’s findings but declined to shift from a physiological to behavioral research topic. d. He quickly redirected their research efforts from digestion to classical conditioning.
With regard to leadership style and gender,
a. women tend to consult less with subordinates b. women are more people-oriented c. women have lower emotional intelligence d. men are more effective leaders