Answers will vary with latitude; the following is a sample answer for latitude 40°N.
a. The north celestial pole appears in the sky at an altitude of 40°, in the direction due north.
b. The meridian is a half-circle that stretches from the point due south on the horizon, through the zenith, to the point due north on the horizon.
c. The celestial equator is a half-circle that stretches from the point due east on the horizon, through an altitude of 50° due south, to the point due west on the horizon.
d. Because the north celestial pole appears due north at an altitude of 40°, a star is circumpolar if it is within 40° of the north celestial pole. The north celestial pole has a declination of +90°, so within 40° means declinations greater than +50°.
e. On the fall equinox, the Sun rises due east, reaches an altitude of 50°S on the meridian, and sets due west.
f. On the winter solstice, the Sun rises more than 23.5° south of due east, reaches an altitude of 50° - 23.5° = 26.5° on the meridian in the south, and sets more than 23.5° south of due west.