Fixed budgets-where resources are allocated on a single estimate of costs. Also known as a static budget, a fixed budget allocates resources on the basis of a single estimate of costs. That is, there is only one set of expenses; the budget does not allow for adjustment over time. For example, you might have a budget of $50,000 for buying equipment in a given year-no matter how much you may need equipment exceeding that amount.
Variable budgets-where resources are varied in proportion with various levels of activity. Also known as a flexible budget, a variable budget allows the allocation of resources to vary in proportion with various levels of activity. That is, the budget can be adjusted over time to accommodate pertinent changes in the environment. For example, you might have a budget that allows you to hire temporary workers or lease temporary equipment if production exceeds certain levels. As a freelancer, you might set up your budget to allow for the unexpected, like the purchase of a second monitor for your laptop if you accept an assignment that requires it.