Additional Case 4.2
MGN, Inc. is a Fortune 500 company that wants to manage its diverse workforce more effectively. HR is facilitating meetings among middle managers to communicate this idea and to gather input from the managers about the best way to accomplish this goal.
Mercedes, a Latina manager, suggests that the company does not need to do more than what is already being done. She cites the company's previous affirmative action plan. "Also," she argues, "we've given African-Americans and Asian-Americans more than enough opportunity. I tried to promote a Latino to supervisor position, and you guys (HR dept.) told me I really needed to give Kym, an African-American, the opportunity."
Paul, a white supervisor, feels that management is management. Managing diversity is just a gimmick or a passing fad. "I've been a supervisor for 20 years, and I've found that if I treat people fairly and listen to them, things work out just fine."
Ana, a relatively new middle-manager, is a bit more positive about the idea but has significant reservations. She feels, however, that the company really needs to give women and minorities access to the "old boys' network." If all the company does is conduct training and devise slogans, nothing will happen.
Finally, Rahkim, an African-American supervisor, says he doesn't care what they do. He's giving notice because he's joining some other African-Americans in starting their own company. He's been a supervisor for five years and has been passed over for promotion twice. He feels that he has experienced discrimination because he's African-American.
A) Glass ceiling hindrances
B) Lack of adequate support groups
C) Segmented communication networks
D) Increasing competition for opportunities